The heart of what we offer is our British Seasonal Tapas menu, which has been chalked up on our blackboard wall for nearly 13 years now; dishes wiped away and new ones chalked up daily as the seasons ebb and flow. Whether you’re looking for a couple of small plates, a carafe of wine, and a catch-up with an old friend; or a bells and whistles feast on a special occasion, this menu has you and your loved ones covered.
Our menus consist of vibrant, colourful small plates, are designed to be shared, and can be tailored for dietary preferences. For a sense of our food do have a browse through our gallery here.
Every ingredient we serve is selected for its locality, exceptional quality, and sustainable credentials. We cook root to fruit & nose to tail - buying whole animals and butchering in-house. We endeavour to waste nothing, a motivation that fuels our creativity and has led us to unique and special techniques for preparing and utilising often wasted ingredients.